How do lenders determine who is approved for a credit card, mortgage, or car loan? Why are some individuals flooded with credit card offers while others get turned down routinely? Because creditors keep their evaluation standards secret, it is difficult to know just how to improve your credit rating.
It is important, however, to understand the factors and to review your credit report periodically for any irregularities, omissions or errors. Reviewing your credit report annually can help you protect your credit rating from fraud and ensure its accuracy.
Credit Evaluation Factors
There are many factors that go into determining your credit. The following list includes of some of the major factors considered:
"Authorized User" Payment History
Checking And Savings Accounts
Child Support
Closed Accounts And Inactive Accounts
Payment History
Recent Loans
Collection Accounts And Charge-Offs
Cosigning An Account
Credit Limits
Credit Reports
Debt/Income Ratios
Department Store Accounts
Payment History/Late Payments
Finance Company Credit Cards
Income/Income Per Dependant
Revolving Credit
Number Of Credit Accounts
"Authorized User" Payment History
Checking And Savings Accounts
Child Support
Closed Accounts And Inactive Accounts
Payment History
Recent Loans
Collection Accounts And Charge-Offs
Cosigning An Account
Credit Limits
Credit Reports
Debt/Income Ratios
Department Store Accounts
Payment History/Late Payments
Finance Company Credit Cards
Income/Income Per Dependant
Revolving Credit
Number Of Credit Accounts
These factors may be used, and weighted, in determining credit decisions. Credit reports contain much of this information.
Obtaining Your Credit Reports
Credit reports are records of consumers' bill-paying habits collected, stored and sold by credit bureaus.
Credit reports are also called credit records, credit files, and credit histories. Under Federal law, you are allowed access to free credit reports. There are three major credit bureaus and thousands of smaller ones where you can obtain a credit report.
These credit bureaus offer the free credit reports and monthly credit reports and services for a fee.
Experian Credit Bureau: 888-397-3742 (Cost: Free or $14.95 monthly)
Equifax Credit Bureau: 800-685-1111
Trans Union: 877-322-8228 (Cost: $11.95 monthly)
Equifax Credit Bureau: 800-685-1111
Trans Union: 877-322-8228 (Cost: $11.95 monthly)
If you have been denied credit, you can request that the credit bureau involved provide you with a free copy of your credit report, but you must request it promptly. Otherwise each of the bureaus will provide you a copy of the report for a fee. You can request a copy from their web sites (see links above) or 800 numbers (also listed above).
Disputing Errors In Your Credit File
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects consumers in the case of inaccurate or incomplete information in credit files. The FCRA requires credit bureaus to investigate and correct any errors in your file.
Tip: If you find any incorrect or incomplete information in your file, write to the credit bureau and ask them to investigate the information. Under the FCRA, they have about thirty days to contact the creditor and find out whether the information is correct. If not, it will be deleted.
Be aware that credit bureaus are not obligated to include all of your credit accounts in your report. If, for example, the credit union that holds your credit card account is not a paying subscriber of the credit bureau, the bureau is not obligated to add that reference to your file. Some may do so, however, for a small fee.
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
This federal law was passed in 1970 to give consumers easier access to, and more information about, their credit files. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to find out the information in your credit file, to dispute information you believe inaccurate or incomplete, and to find out who has seen your credit report in the past six months.
Understanding Your Credit Report
Credit reports contain symbols and codes that are abstract to the average consumer. Every credit bureau report also includes a key that explains each code. Some of these keys decipher the information, while others just cause more confusion.
Read your report carefully, making a note of anything you do not understand. The credit bureau is required by law to provide trained personnel to explain it to you. If accounts are identified by code number, or if there is a creditor listed on the report that you do not recognize, ask the credit bureau to supply you with the name and location of the creditor so you can ascertain if you do indeed hold an account with that creditor.
If the report includes accounts that you do not believe are yours, it is extremely important to find out why they are listed on your report. It is possible they are the accounts of a relative or someone with a name similar to yours. Less likely, but more importantly, someone may have used your credit information to apply for credit in your name. This type of fraud can cause a great deal of damage to your credit report, so investigate the unknown account as thoroughly as possible.
Note: An annual review of your credit report is recommended.
It is vital that you understand every piece of information on your credit report in order that you be able to identify possible errors or omissions.
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