Friday, July 25, 2008

Keep Medicare Fair

Did you know that there was an 112% increase in Medicare Part B premiums since 2000?

AARP has a campaign urging Congress to “Keep Medicare Fair” generated more than 600,000 e-mails, phone calls and petitions as of mid-June. The effort aims to slow the growth in monthly

Part B premiums, which rose from $45.50 in 2000 to $96.40 in 2008.

Congress has grappled with how to prevent a scheduled 10 percent pay cut for doctors without hiking Medicare’s overall costs, to which Part B premiums are pegged. AARPP and many lawmakers say that reducing other program spending, including some payments to Medicare private plans, would pay for the fix, a proposal the White House threatens to veto.

Senate leaders hope to resoslve the issue this month. “The goal is to prevent yet another cut in physician payments,” says AARP’s Kirsten Sloan, “without the cost coming from beneficiaries’ pocketbooks.”

Babyboomers remember that Medicare Part B premiums are deductible on your Schedule A medical expenses when filing your tax returns.

Additional reading:

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