Think about these facts:
- * The IRS has three years to give you a refund.
- * Three years to audit your tax return.
- * And ten years to collect any tax due.
Collectively, these laws are called the statute of limitations. They put time limits on various tax-related actions that you and the IRS can take.
Taxpayer's responsibility:
* You have 3 years to claim a tax refund (measured from the original deadline of the tax return, plus three years.)
Here's an example, your 2004 tax return was due on April 15th, 2005. 2005 plus 3 is 2008. You have until April 15th, 2008, to file your 2004 tax return and still get a tax refund. File your 2004 return after April 15th, 2008, and your refund "expires." It goes away forever. This is called the statute of limitations for claiming a refund.
Please file your 2004 tax returns on or before April 15th, 2008, so that your refunds are not lost forever.
IRS rights:
* The IRS has 3 years to audit your tax return or to assess any additional tax liabilities (measured from the day you actually filed your tax return).
If you filed your taxes before the deadline, the time is measured from the April 15th deadline.
For example, you filed your 2006 tax return on February 15th, 2007. The 3-year time period for an audit begins ticking from April 16th, 2007, (the filing deadline) and will stop ticking on April 16th, 2010. On April 17th, 2010, the IRS cannot audit your 2006 tax return unless there is a suspicion of tax fraud.
* IRS has 10 years to collect outstanding tax liabilities (measured from the day a tax liability has been finalized).
A tax liability can be finalized in a number of ways. It could be a balance due on a tax return, an assessment from an audit, or a proposed assessment that has become final. From that day, the IRS has ten years to collect the full amount, plus any penalties and interest. If the IRS doesn't collect the full amount in the 10-year period, then the remaining balance on the account disappears forever. The statute of limitations on collecting the tax has expired.
Example of the Statute of Limitations
Mr. Rogers wants to file 6 years of tax returns: 2001 through 2006. All years he has refunds. If he files by April 15th, 2007, Mr. Smith will receive refunds for his 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 tax returns. His refunds for 2001 and 2002, however, have expired.
Change the example slightly. Mr. Rogers wants to file 6 years of tax returns: 2001 through 2006. In 2001 and 2002, he could have received a refund. In 2003, 2004, and 2005, he owes. Mr. Rogers cannot apply his 2001 or 2002 refunds as an estimated tax payment towards his 2003 taxes. His refunds have expired. For the 2003 to 2006 tax returns, the IRS has ten years to collect the full tax, plus penalties and interest, from the date Mr. Rogers actually files the returns. If Mr. Rogers has a refund for 2006, that refund will be used to pay off his tax debts.
Plan of Attack:
It's really quiet simple and less stressful......file your tax returns. Why?
Remember......"It's always better to be proactive rather than reactive!"
* you can claim refunds
* it starts the clock ticking on the 3-year statute for audits and the 10-year collections statue.
Tax Law References
Internal Revenue Code, Section 6501 (3-year audit statute),
Section 6502 (10-year debt collection statute), and
Section 6511 (3-year refund statute). For more information on how the IRS manages these statute of limitations, see Internal Revenue Manual, 25.6.1, Statute of Limitations.
Back Taxes Resources
Back Taxes Essentials
IRS Assessments
IRS Penalties
Tax Debt Resources
Installment Agreements
Offer in Compromise
Partial Payment Agreements
Internal Revenue Code References
IRC 6501 (3 Years to Audit)
IRC 6502 (10 Years to Collect Debt)
IRC 6511 (3 Years to Claim Refund)
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