Sunday, February 24, 2008

Forrest says..."Stupid is as stupid does!"


We are all guilty of doing "stupid" things with money, whether it's buying something we know that we absolutely can't afford or don't need, or "assuming" that we have the money in our checking account when we don't (cha-ching hear those bank fees soring).

I was browsing through some tax related websites and found one that absolutely made me go "what the *&^% were they thinking!".

Dave Ramsey has a website which has short snipit stories of the stupid things that people do with money. It's called "STUPID TAX - Tell Us Your Story". He invites folks to write in and give their stories. Makes you wonder who would voluntarily want to admit to some of these "oops moments".

He also provides some great resources to help you "not" make stupid mistakes with money. Here's a suggestion, use some of that money to get budget or credit counseling.

I highly recommend that you take a minute and read a few of these stories and see how you rate on the "STUPID MONEY SCALE". You might be better off than you think!.

Remember my favorite saying, "It's better to be proactive than reactive!"

S. Raines, Sr. Financial Advisor/Tax Preparer

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